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Specialty Inventory warehouse at Horizon Wood Products

Unearth Nature's Artistry: Exceptional Specialty Wood Pieces Tailored for Distinction.


Discovering Horizon's Hidden Treasures

At Horizon Wood Products, our passion for wood goes beyond its general appearance. We delve into the heart of each log, uncovering those unique patterns and textures that make every piece stand out. From curly and quilted textures to the eye-catching patterns of fiddlebacked and bird's-eyed pieces, our specialty items are a testament to the intricacies of nature and our commitment to preserving them.

Stacking live edge slabs in the special inventory warehouse at Horizon Wood Products
Massive live edge slab of hardwood at Horizon Wood Products

From Breathtaking Birds-eye to Fantastic Figure

Our online showcase offers a glimpse into our diverse specialty range, including flitches, boules, slabs, and more. But remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Browse our Online Inventory to find the perfect piece!

Exploring our Inventory

We're Here to Help

We understand the value of the perfect piece for a unique project. Should you have a particular vision or requirement, reach out. We're not just suppliers; we're collaborators eager to ensure your vision comes to life with the ideal log.

Physical Properties
Common Usage
Our Inventory
Browse Horizon Wood Products' online inventory

Intrigued by the potential of our specialty items? Explore the depths of our online inventory or reach out for a tailored consultation. Let's make your project truly shine.

Have a Look!

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